studio stationery
Planner My pink planner
Planner My pink planner
My Pink Planner, freely fillable pink sticker planner!! With lots of space to plan, lots of space to take notes and lots of stickers to make planning even more fun! This book has a planner page on one side and plenty of space for your to do's and memos on the other.
You can start any time of the year, as the planner is free to fill, 3 pages of planner stickers (with lots of pink and gold!) Find all months, weeks, week numbers and many more stickers and start planning right away! Don't forget to add a Stick it Sticker book for the ultimate sticker plan experience!
- 17.6 x 25 cm
- Hard cover
- 192 pages (96 sheets of 100 gsm paper) - planner, annual plan, notes
- 3 sticker pages and pocket in the back